
GriefShare meets every Friday starting May 3 through July 26, 2024 from 630-830pm at Kingston Christian Church.

Death is hard. It is only a matter of time before we lose those we know and love to physical death.
Sometimes we lose those we love. Sometimes we lose those we hate. Coming to terms with these experiences and healing from them can be extremely challenging. Grief is a journey. Each of us experiences grief uniquely. Some people accept it. Others live in denial and anger, refusing to accept what has happened. GriefShare is a space where the emotional roller coaster of grief is normalized and we struggle through loss in a safe, supportive community.

Grief recovery is about the power of Jesus to heal. Everybody wants to believe that their suffering is not in vain. The gospel tells us that suffering has purpose. We invite you to come as you are. You'll be greeted warmly and cared for deeply.

If you would like to learn more about GriefShare, please click the link below. If you have questions, please click contact below. Someone will respond shortly. We look forward to meeting you. May God comfort you.